Friday, November 11, 2011

Life is a Ball! {Southeast Idaho Family Photographer}

After two gorgeous kiddos, my cousin and his wife decided it was time to get a babysitter and spend their evening dancing the night away at a formal ball! I was asked to take a couple shots of them all dressed up that evening. We were losing light quickly, but we managed to get some great pictures of them! How often do two parents get formal pictures in the middle of life with a toddler and baby?



  1. HAHAHAHAH i looked at the first picture and saw the guy and FREAKED out thinking he looked JUST LIKE JOSH!!! i hadnt read what you wrote yet. then i looked at chelsea and it took me a second to realize it was them HAHHA i dont think i have ever seen her hair done so nicely and it totally threw me off hahah. anyways. me and matt were talking yesterday about how we need to get pics taken of the belly before hte baby gets here, and im totally bummed we arent there for you to do them!!! i love your pics!!!! but for sure you can take some of our baby when we move out there :)I cant wait!!!!

  2. I want to go to a formal!! Jealous.
